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To provide additional funding for items, projects, and events related to the education and welfare of our children attending Sandy Hill. Included but not limited to Teacher Appreciation/ Conference Dinners, Teacher Supplies, Classroom Enhancements, Additional Curriculum needs, Library needs, Friday Folders, Carnival, Monthly events, Field Trips, 6th Grade Camp, & Field Day.

The main source of funds is from the Walkathon held at the beginning of each school year. Additional funding comes from Popcorn Sales, Box Tops, Family Fare receipts, Palermo nights and Family Movie Nights.

Open House
Father Daughter Dance
Mother Son Bowling
Teacher Basketball Game (not every year)
Movie Nights
Field Day
Popcorn Sales

Volunteers are needed to work on event planning committees, to work on the day of events and to bake desserts, or donate other food. Sign up for interest in helping out in all the different areas takes place at the beginning of the year.  Working form the interest list, committee planners will call/email parents a month to two weeks prior to the event to see if you are able to help out. If there are not enough volunteers, a note will be sent home prior to the event seeking more volunteers or the event may be cancelled. Volunteers for SHPC events should not be confused with the School Day Volunteer Program.

General SHPC meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month. We discuss/vote where to allocate funds, the status of upcoming and recently ended events, school news, and get to know other parents.

COMMUNICATION: Events & Needs will be communicated via our Website: Facebook Page: Sandy Hill Family Connection, Weekly email announcements, and Friday Folder.

*Meeting Minutes and Treasurers Reports are available in the rack outside the school office or may be requested from the SHPC
*Highlights from the SHPC general meeting are sent home with the youngest child every month.
*Agenda items, budget requests and suggestions can be submitted to SHPC President via email at or mail slot in school office.

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